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The Royal Guardsmen - The return of the Red Baron

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Titre : The return of the Red Baron

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : P. Gernhard-D. Holler

Durée : 2 m 51 s

Label : Laurie Records

Référence : LR 3379

Présentation : Deuxième volet des aventures de Snoopy contre le Baron Rouge.
Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette la photographie est celle du disque Stateside référence HSS 1177

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You remember that baron flying high in the sky
When Snoopy shot him down with a gleam in his eye
But that baron had leaped from his blood-red plane
Just before it burst into a ball of flame
Snoopy circled back to check his kill
Saw the bloody red baron standing high on a hill
Then he swooped down low
Shouted "Curse you red baron!"
The German shook his fist you could hear him swear "Ach der lieber!"
Hey watch out little Snoopy
You're really in a mess
You thought you were through with the bloody red baron
But it looks like he's not down yet
Then a cry went up all over the land
The bloody red baron would strike again
But brave little Snoopy said "Never fear"
As he headed for his plane all the people cheered (Yeah!)
Hey watch out little Snoopy
You're really in a mess
You thought you were through with the bloody red baron
But it looks like he's not down yet
Snoopy blazed a trail straight across the sea
Searching in vain for his enemy
Then he found that German trying to fix his plane
A-sweatin' and a-cussin' about to go insane
Take it
Snoopy landed for a pistol duel
The baron was worried
Snoopy was cool
He fired a shot and missed
Started to run
Before Snoopy had a chance to raise his gun
Hey watch out red baron
Snoopy is on your trail
One of these days he's gonna make you pay
And you'll go straight to
Well watch out red baron
Snoopy is on your trail
One of these days he's gonna make you pay
And you'll go straight to
Well watch out red baron
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Trocol Harum Le 10/11/2020
Les Royal Guardsmen, anciennement les Posmen, sont un groupe originaire de Floride qui a réalisé plusieurs disques, à partir de 1966, consacrés à Snoopy dont "Snoopy vs. the Red Baron", "The return of the Red Baron", "Snoopy for President" et "Snoopy's Christmas".
Le groupe s'est séparé en 1969, mais est revenu sur scène en 2006 avec un single "Snoopy vs. Osama".
Le "Red Baron" est le surnom donné durant la première guerre mondiale par les aviateurs britanniques à l'aviateur allemand Manfred von Richthofen lequel avec 80 victoires confirmées a été l'un des meilleurs pilotes de cette guerre. Son surnom est dû au fait qu'il pilotait un Albatros D II puis D III, puis D V et enfin un Fokkerd Dr I, tous entièrement peints en rouge vif alors que tous les autres avions de guerre étaient de couleur kaki. Il fut finalement abattu le 21 avril 1918 par un aviateur canadien.

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