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One, two
One, two, three, four
I didn't say I love you
The words just didn't come
I didn't tell you baby that you're the only one
Will I regret forever?
I hope that isn't true
The things I didn't do
The things I didn't do
I hardly understand the things I've done
I used to be so thoughtless all the time
I can't explain the man that I once was
I'm sorry for the things that made you cry
And I know all of my excuses are nothing more
Than staggering beggars
Who come crawling back to you
(He hardly understands the things he's done
He used to be so thoughtless all the time
He can't explain the man that he once was
He's sorry for the things that made her cry)
And I know all of my excuses are nothing more
Than staggering beggars
Who come crawling a long way back to you
I didn't hold you in my arms, every day
I didn't kiss your lips and promised
That I would always stay
Will I regret forever?
I pray that isn't true
The things I didn't do
The things I didn't do
(He hardly understands the things he's done
He used to be so thoughtless all the time
He can't explain the man that he once was
He's sorry for the things that made her cry)
And I know all of my excuses are nothing more
Than staggering beggars
Who come crawling a long way back to you
(He hardly understands the things he's done
He used to be so thoughtless all the time
He can't explain the man that he once was
He's sorry for the things that made her cry)
(He hardly understands the things he's done)
I'll walk your dog
I'll stroke your cat
(He hardly understands the things he's done)
I won't forget the date we met
(He hardly understands the things he's done)
I'll clean your shoes
I'll wash your dishes
(He hardly understands the things he's done)
I'll keep off the booze
I'll feed all your fishes
I'll clean the floor
I'll be your slave
And I'll put flowers on your grave
(He'll put flowers on her grave
He'll put flowers on her grave
He hardly understands the things he's done
He'll put flowers on her grave
He'll put flowers on her grave
On her grave)
Transcripteur : hre mgþýe
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