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Many a month has come and gone
Since I wandered from my home
In those Oklahoma hills where I was born.
Many a page of life has turned,
Many a lesson I have learned;
Well, I feel like in those hills I still belong.
'Way down yonder in the Indian Nation
Ridin' my pony on the reservation,
In those Oklahoma hills where I was born.
Now, 'way down yonder in the Indian Nation,
A cowboy's life is my occupation,
In those Oklahoma hills where I was born.
But as I sit here today,
Many miles I am away
From a place I rode my pony through the draw,
While the oak and blackjack trees
Kiss the playful prairie breeze,
In those Oklahoma hills where I was born.
Now as I turn life a page
To the land of the great Osage
In those Oklahoma hills where I was born,
While the black oil it rolls and flows
And the snow-white cotton grows
In those Oklahoma hills where I was born
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1 commentaire
Trocol HarumLe 05/08/2020
Jack Guthrie est le frère de Woody Guthrie. Son neveu Arlo Guthrie, fils de Woodie, a aussi repris la chanson "Oklahoma hills".
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Jack Guthrie est le frère de Woody Guthrie. Son neveu Arlo Guthrie, fils de Woodie, a aussi repris la chanson "Oklahoma hills".
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