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The Stranglers - Duchess

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Duchess

Année : 1979

Auteurs compositeurs : Hugh Alan Cornwell / David Greenfield / Brian John Duffy / Jean Jacques Burnel

Durée : 2 m 30 s

Label : United Artists Records

Référence : BP 308 (single) / 2S 068 82740 (album)

Présentation : Extrait de "The Raven".

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Duch of the terrace never grew up
I hope she never will
Broken-down TV sits in the corner
Pictures standing still
Standing still
Duch of the terrace knows all her heritage
Says she's Henry's kid
Knows all her history in the family
Needs a man, god forbid
God forbid
And it sounds like an empty house
Standing still
And it's quieter than a mouse
Standing still
Duch of the terrace never grew up
I hope she never will
Says she's an heiress, sits in her terrace
Says she's got time to kill
Time to kill
And the Rodneys are queuing up
God forbid
And they all want to win the cup
God forbid
Duchess, duchess
Duchess, duchess
Duchess, duchess
And the Rodneys are queuing up
God forbid
And the Rodneys are queuing up
God forbid
And the Rodneys are queuing up
God forbid
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1 commentaire
cherrysalsa Le 22/07/2020
Je "Kiffe" à fond la pochette du disque.
J'aime l'iconoclastie.

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