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One day you see a strange little girl look at you
One day you see a strange little girl feeling blue
She'd run to the town one day
Leaving home and the country fair
Just beware
When you're there
Strange little girl
She didn't know how to live in a town that was rough
It didn't take long before she knew she had enough
Walking home in her wrapped up world
She survived but she's feeling old
And she found
All things cold
Strange little girl, where are you going?
Strange little girl, where are you going?
Do you know where you could be going?
Walking home in her wrapped up world
She survived but she's feeling old
'Cause she found
All things cold
Strange little girl, where are you going?
Strange little girl, where are you going?
Do you know where you could be going?
Strange little girl, where are you going?
Strange little girl, where are you going?
Do you know where you could be going?
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