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Marianne Faithfull - Sister Morphine

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Sister Morphine

Année : 1969

Auteurs compositeurs : Jagger, Richards, Faithfull

Durée : 5 m 26 s

Label : Decca

Référence : AT 15 133

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Here I lie in my hospital bed
Tell me, sister morphine, when are you coming round again?
Oh, I don't think I can wait that long
Oh, you see that my pain is so strong
All the other patients say they've never seen a man with such pain,
Tell me, sister morphine, when are you coming round again?
Oh, I don't think I can wait that long,
Oh, you see that I'm not that strong
The scream of the ambulance is soundin' in my ear
Tell me, sister morphine, how long have I been lying here?
What am I doing in this place?
Why does the doctor have no face?
Oh, I can't crawl across the frosty floor
Can't you see, sister morphine, just trying to score
Well, it just goes to show, things are not what they seem
Please, sister morphine, turn my nightmare into dreams
Oh, can't you see I'm fading fast
And that this shot will be the last
Please, cousin cocaine, lay your cool hands on my head
Hey, sister morphine, you'd better make up the lyin' bed
'Cause you know and I know, in the morning I'll be dead,
And you can sit around and watch, the clean white sheets stain red
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 09/04/2020
Les Rolling Stones vont reprendre le titre "Sister morphine", en 1971, sur l'album "Sticky Fingers".

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