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Motörhead - (We are) The Road Crew

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Titre : (We are) The Road Crew

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : Lemmy Kilmister

Pochette : Alan Ballard

Durée : 3 m 8 s

Label : Bronze

Référence : BRO 2041

Présentation : Extrait de l'album "Ace of Spades". Un classique du groupe.

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Another town another place
Another girl, another face
Another truck, another race
I´m eating junk, feeling bad
Another night, I'm going mad
My woman´s leaving, I feel sad
But I just love the life I lead
Another beer is what I need
Another gig my ears bleed
We Are The Road Crew

Another town I´ve left behind
Another drink completely blind
Another hotel I can´t find
Another backstage pass for you
Another tube of super glue
Another border to get through
I´m driving like a maniac
Driving my way to hell and back
Another room a case to pack
We Are The Road Crew

Another hotel we can burn
Another screw, another turn
Another Europe map to learn
Another truckstop on the way
Another game I learn to play
Another word I learn to say
Another bloody customs post
Another fucking foreign coast
Another set of scars to boast
We Are The Road Crew
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