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Paul Williams - The Phantom's Theme (Beauty and the Beast)

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Titre : The Phantom's Theme (Beauty and the Beast)

Année : 1974

Auteurs compositeurs : Paul Williams

Pochette : Anthony Goldschmidt Graphic Design Ltd., John Alvin

Durée : 4 m 38 s

Label : A&M Records

Référence : AMLS 63653

Présentation : Ce titre, remastérisé en 1989, fait partie du film musical, Phantom of the Paradise, réalisé en 1974 par Brian de Palma avec Paul William, Jessica Harper, Archie Hahn et William Finley

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Half asleep I hear a voice
Is it only in my mind
Or is it someone calling me someone I failed and left behind
To work it out I let them in
All the good guys and the bad guys that I've been
All the devils that disturbed me and the angels that defeated them somehow
Come together in me now
Face to face I greet the cast
Set in silence we begin
Companions in an empty room I taste their victory and sin
To work it out I let them in
All the good guys and the bad guys that I've been
All the devils that disturbed me and the angels that defeated them somehow
Come together in me now
A tale of beauty and the beast
I defend my soul from those who would accuse me
I share the famine and the feast
I have been the world and felt it turning seen the jester yearning to amuse me
Like a circus on parade
Seldom close enough to see
I wander through an angry crowd and wonder what became of me
To work it out I let them in
All the good guys and the bad guys that I've been
All the devils that disturbed me and the angels that defeated them somehow
Come together in me now
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