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Wham! - Bad boys

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Bad boys

Année : 1983

Auteurs compositeurs : George Michael

Pochette : Chris Craymer

Durée : 3 m 21 s

Label : Inner Vision ‎

Référence : A3143

Présentation : Extrait du premier album du groupe, Fantastic.

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Dear mummy, Dear Daddy,
You had plans forme, I was your only son.
And long before this baby boy could count to three,
You knew just what he would become.
Run along to school,
No child of mine grows up a fool,
Run along to school.
When you tried to tell me what to do,
I just shut my mouth and smiled at you,
One thing that I know for sure

Stick together, never Sad Boys
They made rules for fools, so get wise…

Dear Mummy, Dear Daddy,
Now I'm nineteen as you see,
I'm handsome, tall, and strong.
So what the hell gives you the right to look at me,
As if to say "Hell, what went wrong?"
Where were you last night?
You look as if you had a fight.
Where were you last night?
Well I think that you may just be right,
But don't try to keep me in tonight,
Because I'm big enough to break down the door.

Stick together, never Sad Boys
They made rules for fools, so get wise…

Boys like you, are bad through and through.
Still, girls like me, always seem to be with you….
We can't help but worry,
You're in such a hurry,
Mixing with the wrong boys,
Playing with the wrong toys.
Easy girls,
And late nights,
Cigarettes, and love bites
Why do you have to be so cruel?

Stick together, never Sad Boys
They made rules for fools, so get wise…
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1 commentaire
Nounours420 Le 03/08/2022
chanson detestee par George Michael lui meme…

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