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Once I bought a curious bottle,
Once I bought a bottle for fun.
Tell me what you gonna do with the bottle
When the curiousity's done.
Well I brought it out to the Bo Bo's party
Then I got it in to the company,
Then I brought it up to the boys in the backroom,
They got the knack to tune in on me,
Then I brought it up to the boys in the backyard.
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, I find it hard to hold,
I find it hard to hold on me, I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, hard to hold, hard to hold.
You know, I've been bad, but
I would be good instead.
Ah, if my man did half of the things that he said,
I wouldn't have to go to the Bo Bo's party
I wouldn't have to go to the company,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backroom,
With their knack to tune in on me,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backyard.
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, I find it hard to hold,
I find it hard to hold on me, I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, hard to hold, hard to hold.
You know, I've been bad, but
I would be good instead.
Ah, if my man did half of the things that he said,
I wouldn't have to go to the Bo Bo's party
I wouldn't have to go to the company,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backroom,
With their knack to tune in on me,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backyard.
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold.
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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Melanie, de son vrai nom Melanie Anne Safka-Schekeryk, née le 3 avril 1947, est une chanteuse américaine connue pour avoir créé "What they've done to my song Ma (adapté en français par Dalida et par Arno et Stephan Eicher sous le titre "Ils ont changé ma maison"), "Brand new key" et pour sa reprise de "Ruby Tuesday".
En 1969, elle se présente, avec sa mère et sa guitare, au festival de Woodstock où elle chantera sous la pluie, ce qui lui inspirera sa chanson "Lay down (Candle in the rain)". A cette époque, si elle est connue en Europe, grâce au Président Rosko, le DJ de la radio pirate Radio Caroline, qui a lancé ses chanson "Bo bo's party" et "Beautiful people" elle était encore quasi inconnue aux USA mais son passage au festival de Woodstock va lancer sa carrière américaine. Elle est l'une des rares artistes à avoir maintenu, en 1970, sa participation au festival de Powder Ridge, devenu illégal après avoir été interdit par les autorités de la ville qui craignaient les débordements de Woodstock. La même année elle participera également au festival de l'île de Wight.
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