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The Robertson - Ragin' cajun redneck Christmas

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Titre : Ragin' cajun redneck Christmas

Année : 2013

Auteurs compositeurs : Willie Robertson-Dallas Davidson

Durée : 3 m 23 s

Label : Capitol Records

Référence : B0019025-02

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They're stringin' up lights down on Main street
Saw a tree tied up on the hood of a Humvee
Brother Bill at the store ringin' that bell
I throw a little change in his cup so I won't go to hell
Yeah that's what mamma taught me
And that's what Daddy showed me

It's a Ragin' Cajun redneck Christmas
Dancin' Santa out in the yard
"Joy to the World" wrote on the roof
We ain't got much but we work real hard
Got a hundred thousand colored lights
Blowin' them fuses left and right
Just drive on by, buddy you can't miss us
It's a Cajun redneck Christmas

Gotta buy a Barbie doll and toy robot
You can't buy me nothin' I ain't got
Some folks wanna know what it's really for
Down here we know it's about the Lord
Yeah that's what mamma taught me
And that's what Daddy showed me

At the Ragin' Cajun redneck Christmas
Dancin' Santa out in the yard
"Joy to the World" wrote on the roof
We ain't got much but we work real hard
Got a hundred thousand colored lights
Blowin' them fuses left and right
Just drive on by, buddy you can't miss us
It's a Cajun redneck Christmas

Yea we give thanks and we all pray
Good things just keep comin' our way

At the Ragin' Cajun redneck Christmas
Ain't no snow out in the yard
"Joy to the World" wrote on the roof
Got us and the dogs on the Christmas card
Got fifty thousand colored lights
Blowin' them fuses left and right
Just drive on by, buddy you can't miss us
It's a Cajun redneck Christmas
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1 commentaire
PechMayneau Le 12/12/2023
un peu ringard non ?

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