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The Three Stooges - Wreck the halls with boughs of Holly

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Titre : Wreck the halls with boughs of Holly

Année : 1983

Auteurs compositeurs : J. DeRita-L. Fine-M. Howard

Durée : 2 m 26 s

Label : Rhino Records

Référence : RNEP 606

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M: 'Tis the night before Equimas and all through the town
Everything's coming loose; everything's falling down
(sounds of things falling and crashing)
Be careful with that holly!
L: Don't nail anything to the wall, I'm warnin' ya. Use Scotch tape; Scotch tape is better!
C: For paper, it's good. For holly, it's rotten!
M: Watch out what you hang on that chandelier; it's not strong!
C: Tinsel. Tinsel. It's only tinsel
L: It's too MUCH tinsel!
C: What harm could one more teensy weensy piece of tinsel do? Here, let me show you…there. See? AHHHHHH! (chandelier crashes)
M: Though we hang our gay decorations with care
L: The whole house is a mess
M: and we cry in despair!
ALL: (crying, then singing:)
Don't wreck the halls with boughs of holly
Decorating can be folly
(more crashes)

M: I _told_ you it wouldn't hold! You wouldn't listen! (SLAP!)
C: Oooh, that hurt!
M: No, it didn't! THIS one will hurt! (SLAP!)
C: OOOOW! Hey, you're right!

ALL: Holly leaves are sharp like stingers
Handle them with dainty fingers

C: Ooh, my finger! It's bleedin'!
M: Serve ya right; I told you it was sharp! The bush is not straight!
L: It's leaning
M: It's too much decorations on the left side!
L: No, it's NOT ENOUGH decorations on the left side!
C: You're BOTH wrong; it's not enough on the top! Here, I'll show ya!
L: No, no, don't put anything more on the top!
M: Come down from there! Watch out what you're doin'!
C: Oooh! Whoa!
L: It's dangerous! I'm warnin' ya, I'm tellin' ya it's…
M: TIMMM-BERRRRRRRRRR! (bush and Curly crashes)
C'mon, Larry, let's get Curly Joe out from under that bush again
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2 commentaires
Trocol Harum Le 21/10/2019
Les Three Stooges sont un groupe d'acteurs de vaudeville et de chanteurs américains dont les membres sont "Curly" Joe DeRita, Larry Fine et Moe Howard. Ils sont également connus sous le nom de The 3 Stoogers.

Dam-Dam Le 25/12/2020
The lyrics : [Thanks !]

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