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Leroy Pullins - I'm a nut

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Titre : I'm a nut

Année : 1966

Auteurs compositeurs : Leroy Pullins

Durée : 2 m 27 s

Label : Kapp record

Référence : K 758

Présentation : Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, la photographie est celle de l'album paru chez Kapp Records (KS 3488)0

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Beedle-dee-bah, beedle-dee-bah, beedle-dee-ree-pa-dom…

I'm a nut, I'm a nut
My live don't ever get in a rut, whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop
The head on my shoulders is sorta loose
And I ain't got the sense God gave a goose
Lord, I ain't crazy, but …I'm a nut

Is is wetter under water, if you're there when it rains?
Is it shorter to New York, than it is by a plane?
Between myself and I, I wonder who's the dumber
Is it hotter down south, than it is in the summer?

I'm a nut, I'm a nut
My live don't ever get in a rut, whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop
The head on my shoulders is sorta loose
And I ain't got the sense God gave a goose
Lord, I ain't crazy, but …I'm a nut

I drove my Cadillac to Vegas to satisfy my lust
Wheelin', dealin', left ol' Vegas on a Greyhound bus
I shouldn't have set the woods on fire while I was there
But remember only forest fires prevent bears

I'm a nut, I'm a nut
My live don't ever get in a rut, whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop
The head on my shoulders is sorta loose
And I ain't got the sense God gave a goose
Lord, I ain't crazy, but …I'm a nut

The poverty war will be over, when I begin to fight
If it took a dime to go 'round the world
I couldn't get out of sight
I don't mind to take the girls out
If they don't mind to go Dutch
Makes me feel like a million dollars
And I bet I ain't worth half that much

I'm a nut, I'm a nut
My live don't ever get in a rut, whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop
The head on my shoulders is sorta loose
And I ain't got the sense God gave a goose
Lord, I ain't crazy, but …I'm a nut

Oh, crazy man! I'm a nut!
Oh, Lordy, Lordy Lordy, Lordy
I'm crazy, I'm a nut!

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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2 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Trocol Harum Le 06/10/2019
Leroy Pullins (1940/1984) est un chanteur et humoriste américain.
Il est aussi l'inoubliable interprète de "Swimming at the bottom of the pool", de "Tickled pink", de "The Taterville Women's Auxiliary Sewing Circle" ou de "Out in the smokehouse takin' a bath".

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