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Come prima
Più di prima
It's the first time
For the first time
For the first time
I found Heaven
Oh the moment when I sweat
I was in rapture
Every moment I feel dance
I live in the ground
For the first time
For the first time
I feel free
For the first time
For the first time
I love you
And all are sweet
You're the first one
It's the first one
You're my woman, the only one
Come prima
For the first time
I'm in love
Come prima
Più di prima
Per la vita
La mia vita
Ti darò
Ogni giorno
Ogni istante
Ti dirò
"Come prima
Più di prima
Oh the moment when I sweat
I was in rapture
Every moment I feel dance
I live in the ground
For the first time
For the first time
I feel free
For the first time
For the first time
I love you
And all are sweet
You're the first one
It's the first one
You're my woman, the only one
Come prima
Più di prima
For the first time
I'm in love
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Prestation télévisuelle :
Il y a une version française chantée par Dalida que l'on retrouve dans le film "un air de famille" de Cedric Klapisch
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