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Is he really goin' out with 'er? I don't know. Look, here he comes now. Let's ask
'im. Hey, Murray, is it true Betty's wearin' your ring? Uh-huh.
Who's that bangin' on the piano? I don't know. You goin' out with
her tonight? You bet yer fur. By the way, where'd ya meet her?
I met her one day at the Laundromat.
She turned around and smiled at me, ya get the picture? (Yes, we see).
And that's when I fell in love with the Leader Of the Laundromat
My folks were always putting her down (down, down)
Because her laundry came back brown (brown, brown)
I don't care if they think she's bad
I fell in love 'cause she looked so sad
I got a date tonight with the Leader Of the Laundromat
(Dang it!)
My dad said "Find a laundry that's new" (find a laundry that's new)
How can I tell my baby we're through (tell my baby we're through)
Gotta drive right into town
I don't care if my shirts are brown
I got a date tonight with the Leader Of the Laundromat
When I finally got there, I told her it was all over between us. I'll never forget the
hurt and the funny look in her eye. She grabbed my laundry and ran into the street,
directly into the path of a runaway garbage truck. I yelled "watch out, watch out,
watch out, watch out, watch ou-ou-t"
I felt so messy standing there (messy standing there)
My daddy's shorts were everywhere (daddy's shorts were everywhere)
Tenderly I kissed her goodbye
Picked up my clothes, they were finally dry
But I won't forget you, oh Leader Of the Laundromat
(Who's that bangin' on the piano?
I don't know.)
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
The Detergents est un groupe américain composé de Ronnie (Ron) Dante, Danny Jordan et Tommy Wynn.
Auparavant Danny Jordan avait, en solo, interprété l'amusant "Just couldn't resist her with her pocket transistor", titre repris par Alma Logan.
Les Détergents sont aussi les interprètes de "Double-O-Seven" ainsi que de "I can never eat home anymore", une parodie d'un autre succès des Shangri-Las, "I can never go home anymore"."
Ronnie Dante a aussi été le chanteur de deux groupes fictifs, les Archies pour "Sugar, sugar" et les Cufflinks pour "Tracy".
Danny Jordan rejoindra le groupe Hot Butter.
La chanson des Shangri-Las, "Leader of the pack", a suscité d'autres parodies comme
celle du groupe The Downliners Sect nommée "Leader Of The Sect" et celle de Jimmy Cross, "I want my baby back" qui sont les plus réussies. Bob Rivers chante aussi "Leader of Iraq" tandis que les Capitol Steps interprètent "A leader like Barack" et que les Roadies modifient la chanson pour un "Packer of the Leads" d'assez bonne facture.
L'interprétation de Julian Clary, sous le titre original, est proche de la parodie tout comme celle de Big Daddy sous le titre "The living years".
The lyrics :
[Merci et en prime un paquet de lessive qui lave plus noir spécialement conçue pour faire les comparatifs à la télé.]
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