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Osama - yo' mama didn't raise you right
When you were young she must have wrapped yo' turban too tight
She should have kept you home on those arabian nights
It's plain to see - you need to stay out of those fights
Osama - yo' mama could have done a lot better
Though I bet every day you did somethin' to upset her
By the way, we got an answer to your anthrax letter
New York City's where it's from - it's the news header
And I can hear yo' mama sayin' now, "You in a heap o' trouble son
Now just look what you've done!
Saw you on TV with yo' gun
Mercy sakes, I can't do a thing with you hon."
And I can just hear dubyah sayin', "You in a heap 'o trouble boy
And I don't think you will enjoy
Our game of search and destroy
We got your terror right here, son yu sure are the real mecoy.
Osama - yo' mama didn't teach you how to act
You've crossed the line too far this time, there ain't no turnin' back
You're startin' to remind us of another maniac
Yeah, you know what we shoud of stuffed you in an over sized sack!
Osama - yo' mama didn't teach you to behave
Now they say you're hangin' with the bats in a cave
Well, pullin' off that sneak attack was not too brave
Kinda makes us wonder if your digging your own grave?
And I can hear yo' mama sayin' again, "You in a heap o' trouble son
Now just look what you've done
Saw you on TV with yo' gun
Mercy sakes, you need to settle down hon!
And I can just hear dubyah sayin', "You in a heap 'o trouble boy
And I don't think you will enjoy
Our game of search and destroy
We have made a son that is a real mecoy!
Osama yo' karma's really
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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Ray Stevens (Harold Ray Ragsdale) est un chanteur, compositeur et comédien américain né le 24 janvier 1939 à Clarkdale en Géorgie. Il est aussi le créateur des chansons "Ahab, the Arab", "The Streak", "Back in the doghouse again", "In the mood" et "Gitarzan".
Il est aussi le créateur de "Don't boogie woogie" adapté par Eddy Mitchell sous l'intitulé "Pas de boogie woogie", d'"America communicate with me", adaptée par Richard Anthony sous le titre "America" et de "Mr Businessman" adapté par Claude François sous l'intitulé "Monsieur le Businessman".
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