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Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun
Voir du même artiste
Titre : Blister in the Sun
Année : 1983
Auteurs compositeurs : Gordon Gano
Pochette : Ron Hugo (photographie )
Durée : 2 m 18 s
Label : Slash Records
Référence : 1-23845
Présentation : Titre-phare du premier album du groupe considéré comme l'une des références absolues du rock indépendant (indie ) américain.
Chanson utilisée dans le film Tueur à gage (Grosse Pointe Blank) sorti en 1997 avec John Cusack comme acteur principal.
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When I'm out walking
I strut my stuff
And I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite
I just might stop to check you out.
Let me go on like i
Blister in the sun
Let me go on
Big hands, I know you're the one.
Body and beats,
I stain my sheets
I don't even know why
My girlfriend, she's at the end,
She is starting to cry.
Let me go on like i
Blister in the sun
Let me go on
Big hands, I know you're the one.
When I'm out walking
I strut my stuff
And I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite
I just might stop to check you out.
When I'm out walking
I strut my stuff
And I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite
I just might stop to check you out.
Body and beats,
I stain my sheets
I don't even know why
My girlfriend, she's at the end,
She is starting to cry.
When I'm out walking
I strut my stuff
And I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite
I just might stop to check you out.
Let me go on like i
Blister in the sun
Let me go on
Big hands, I know you're the one.
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