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Da Yoopers - Second week of Deer Camp II

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Second week of Deer Camp II

Année : 1991

Auteurs compositeurs : J Decaire-J. Potila

Durée : 2 m 59 s

Label : Your Guys Records

Référence : 71168

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Hey Joe! Where are you?
If you can't hear me, Just say something!

(sound of beer cans rumbling)
Where the heck am I?
OOH, I remember now.

I wake up in the woodshed with two thousand empty beers
I came looking for a full one and I must have passed out here
I crawl out through the door and run smack into a buck
He was eating all the apples from the back of Rudy's truck
I grab him by the back legs and he drags me through the snow
but when he jumps a barbed wire fence, I had to let him go

It's the second week of deer camp; there's one more day to go
We haven't had a shave or bath since 14 days ago
The empty's pile is growing and nobody got a deer
but there's only fifty weeks to go and we'll be back up here.

I go crawling down the road and Alley-Oop goes whizzing by
For a guy that weighs 300 pounds that Oop can really fly
I take a look behind me and here comes a big black bear
If I make it to the camp, I'll have to change my underwear

That bear goes by the both of us and runs right through the door
He's breaking up the card game, it sounds just like a war (Let me out of here!)

It's the second week of deer camp; there's one more day to go
We haven't had a shave or bath since 14 days ago
The empty's pile is growing and nobody got a deer
but there's only fifty weeks to go and we'll be back up here.

Bruno's cooking bear meat, but no one wants to eat (huh-uh)
'cause everything that Bruno cooks smells like Mongo's feet (Oooh)
The poker game's still going and the beer is getting low (beer run)
All around the deer camp there's a ring of yellow snow (AAAAH)
The bucks we won in poker are the only bucks we got
We spent two weeks in deer camp and never fired a shot.

It's the second week of deer camp; there's one more day to go
We haven't had a shave or bath since 14 days ago
The empty's pile is growing and nobody got a deer
but there's only fifty weeks to go and we'll be back up here.

Repeat chorus

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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3 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Trocol Harum Le 23/06/2019
Da Yoopers est un groupe itinérant de comédiens, musiciens et chanteurs originaire du Michigan. Le terme Yoppers est, en argot, le nom donné aux habitants du nord du Michigan, entre les lacs Michigan et Huron. Fondé en 1975 par Jim DeCaire, Rodney "Joe" Potila, Lynn Anderson et Jim Pennell, le groupe a compté une vingtaine de membres au hasard de ses pérégrinations.
abbey_road Le 17/07/2019
I don't want to do my raclette, but the real lyrics seem to be here : http://www.madmusic.com/song_details.aspx?SongID=2…

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