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Please be careful, is never careful
Till it hears the gun
She will always pay the bills
For the having big fun
He talks so well (talks so well)
what can you do
It's pretty plain (pretty plain)
he means it too
I don't want to sell you lines,
I only mean to do you right
But I'm a simple slave of appetite,
I'm a poor slave of appetite
Hunger howls (hunger howls)
Hunger's red,
Hunger stays (hunger stays)
'Till it's fed
Then it someha-ha-how fades,
Then it somehow leaves your sight
Depending on it's appetite,
Depending on your appetite
So if you take, then put back good
If you steal, be Robin Hood
If your eyes are wanting all you see
Then I think I'll name you after me
So if you take, then put back good
If you steal, be Robin Hood
If your eyes are wanting all you see
Then I think I'll name you after me
I think I'll call you appetite
Here she is with two small problems
And the best part of the blame
Wishing she could call him heartache
But it's not a boy's name
If you grow (if you grow)
up to be, just like him (just like)
just like me
You're fighting for exclusive rights,
For honeymoons each sleepless night
In which case I'll call you appetite
Yes I think I'll call you appetite
So if you take, then put back good
If you steal, be Robin Hood
If your eyes are wanting all you see
Then I think I'll name you after me
I think I'll call you appetite
So if you take, then put back good
If you steal, be Robin Hood
If your eyes are wanting all you see
Then I think I'll name you after me
I think I'll call you appetite
Then I think I'll name you after me
Yes I think I'll call you appetite
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Le clip qui a visiblement bien germé dans les années 80 et avec tout les éléments préfabriqué de la mode de l'époque; le voilier, la moto , les images de scènes …
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