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Ah Stop it right here, you can't even cut it
I'm the king of rap and don't you forget it
Cause I've got the rhythm and I've got the feel
So what you need to do is learn how to chill.
When you listen to me, you rear what you've been missin'
Cause I'm the king and it's time for your lesson.
So you've got a big mouth and can follow the bea,
But that doesn't make you king of the street.
I don't know who made you the Pape du rap,
But who ever done it gonna get a big slap.
Ah Stop it right here, you can't even cut it
I'm the king of rap and don't you forget it
When you listen to me, you rear what you've been missin'
Cause I'm the king and it's time for your lesson.
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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