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There was man
Who gave the world his song
And the world stood still
To hear him sing…
A simple man
Who took his faith along
While all the world
Proclaimed him king…
Now the King is gone…
And, oh, what a reign…
And the crown on his head
Will remain
From a workin' man
To royalty
To everlasting fame…
The King is gone
The King is gone
Long live his name…
There was a man…
Who tasted sweet success
But still gave his hand
To help a friend…
A Lovin' man…
Who shared his happiness
Now the the King is gone
But THERE was a man…
Now the King is gone
And, oh, what a reign
And the crown on his head
Long will remain
From a workin' man
To royalty
To everlasting fame…
The King is gone
Oh, the King is gone
Long live his name
Yeah, the King is gone…
Oh, the King is gone…
Long live…
His name..
G'bye Elvis…
Well miss yah…
Transcripteur : Trocol Harum
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
La version originale chantée par Ronnie (Ronald Dean) McDowell sous le titre "The King is gone" a été adaptée en français par le chanteur Québécois Johnny Farago sous les titres "Le King n'est plus" ou "Le roi n'est plus".
Il s'agit du même Ronnie McDowell, au timbre de voix très proche du King, qui double Kurt Russel dans les scènes chantées du film Le roman d'Elvis de John Carpenter sorti en 1979.
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