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Nightcrawlers - Push the feeling on
Voir du même artiste
Titre : Push the feeling on
Année : 1993
Auteurs compositeurs : Ross Campbell - John Reid - Hugh Brankin - Graham Wilson
Pochette : Aldo Sampieri
Durée : 4 m 2 s
Label : Island Records
Référence : 854 032-2
Présentation : Éphémère groupe écossais de House music, comme on disait à l'époque, Nightcrawlers a enflammé les dance floors européens en 1995 avec ce titre qui était pourtant sorti dans l'anonymat deux ans plus tôt.
Push the feeling on a été réédité en 2003 et en 2007 avec un succès moindre.
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Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Push it, let's push it
Push the feeling on
Push it, let's push it
Gotta keep moving on
Push it, let's push it
Push the feeling on
Push it, let's push it
Gotta keep moving on
Push it, let's push it
Push the feeling on
Push it, let's push it
Gotta keep moving on
Push it, let's push it
Push the feeling on
Push it, let's push it
Gotta keep moving on
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
Their lives again
Their lives will pull us through
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Voir tous les commentaires
Admirons l'effort au niveau des paroles. Et… Je vous préviens, le refrain reste en tête… très longtemps.
D'accord avec scaracrabe… Des années que je n'avais pas entendu cette chanson. C'est bien simple : depuis l'adolescence en 95. Et avant de la réentendre (sur B&M ce soir), le refrain me revenait de temps en temps en tête…
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