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No such thing, I'm sure you've mistaken me.
If I'm your man, then give a last embrace.
Wish me well or help me solve this mystery,
I've taken my fill and packed it all into one suitcase.
Any other life,
Any other way.
Don't you worry about me
Or try to change how things are.
You've got to believe
That we're just worlds apart.
Can't talk now, and silence is too much to bear.
No great loss, but everything to gain.
Here's your home, I can lay down anywhere.
As time goes on, it seems like a fair exchange.
Any other life,
Any other way.
Don't you worry about me
Or try to change how things are.
You've got to believe
That we're just worlds apart.
wheee heeee
Don't you worry baby
Don't you worry about me
Or try to change how things are.
You've got to believe
That we're just worlds apart.
Don't you worry about me
It's all gone much too far
You've got to believe
That we're just worlds apart.
wheee heeee
Hey hey yaya
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
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1 commentaire
virgulioLe 16/01/2023
Une si belle chanson qui donna son nom à un immonde boys band, comme quoi….
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Une si belle chanson qui donna son nom à un immonde boys band, comme quoi….
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !