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Hot Chocolate - You sexy thing

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Titre : You sexy thing

Année : 1975

Auteurs compositeurs : Erroll Brown / Tony Wilson

Durée : 4 m

Label : Pathé Marconi EMI / Rak

Référence : 2 C 010-97.109

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I believe in miracles
Where you from
You sexy thing, sexy thing you
I believe in miracles
Since you came along
You sexy thing

Where did you come from, baby?
How did you know I needed you?
How did you know I needed you so badly?
How did you know I'd give my heart gladly?
Yesterday I was one of the lonely people
Now you're lying close to me, making love to me

I believe in miracles
Where you from, you sexy thing? (Sexy thing, you)
I believe in miracles
Since you came along, you sexy thing

Where did you come from, angel?
How did you know I'd be the one?
Did you know you're everything I prayed for?
Did you know, every night and day for?
Every day, needing love and satisfaction
Now you're lying next to me, giving it to me

I believe in miracles
Where you from, you sexy thing? (Sexy thing, you)
I believe in miracles
Since you came along, you sexy thing

Oh! Kiss me, you sexy thing
Touch me baby, you sexy thing
I love the way you touch me, darling, you sexy thing
Oh! It's ecstasy, you sexy thing

Yesterday I was one of the lonely people
Now you're lying close to me, giving it to me

I believe in miracles
Where you from, you sexy thing? (Sexy thing, you)
I believe in miracles
Since you came along, you sexy thing

Oh, touch me
Kiss me, darling
I love the way you hold me, baby
Oh, it's ecstasy

Oh! It's ecstasy (Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you)
Kiss me, baby (Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you)
I love the way you kiss me, darling (Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you)
Oh, yeah (Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you)
Love the way you hold me (Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you)
Keep on lovin' me, darling (Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you)
Keep on lovin' me, baby (Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you)
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4 commentaires
Dam-Dam Le 20/05/2018
Les paroles de cette chanson que l'on peut entendre dans de nombreux films, notamment The Full Monty : [Merci]
Regibus22 Le 22/03/2020
Enorme le strip-tease de Robert Carlyle sur cette chanson sous les regards effarés de son fils et de ses amis !
Regibus22 Le 22/03/2020
NicolasFeeney Le 24/10/2022
Sous les yeux perplexes de son fils et de ses potes, Robert Carlyle a réalisé un énorme strip-tease sur cette chanson !

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