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Village People - Milkshake

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Titre : Milkshake

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : Henri Belolo - Jacques Morali - Victor Willis

Durée : 2 m 52 s

Label : Casablanca

Référence : NB 2261

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Do the shake (do the shake), do the sha-a-ake (do the shake)
Do the milkshake, the milkshake (do the shake)
Do the shake (do the shake), do the shake (do the shake)
Do the milkshake, the milkshake (do the shake)

When they come home (when they come ho-o-ome) from school (alright)
And they want something that's cold to drink (co-old to dri-ink)
Vitality (vitality), they need (they need)
They also want something good and sweet (good and sweet)
Just get a glass (just get a gla-ass) of milk (of mi-ilk)
You see it's not very hard to make (not very hard to make)
Add some ice cream (some ice cream) and blend (yeah-eah)
You will have yourself a great milkshake (a grea-eat milksha-ake)

Do the shake (do the shake), do the sha-a-ake (do the shake)
Do the milkshake, the milkshake (do the shake)
Do the shake (do the shake), do the shake (do the shake)
Do the milkshake, the milkshake (do the shake), yeah

When you're at work (when you're at wor-ork) today (alright)
And it is time for your coffee break (coffee break)
Why don't you treat (why don't you trea-eat) yourself (yourse-elf)
To a big thick and frosty shake (frosty shake)
When it is time (when it is ti-ime) for lunch (for lu-unch)
A milkshake goes with your sandwich too (yeah-yeah-yeah-eah)
Just have yourself (have yourself) a feast (a feast)
See what a milkshake can do for you (yeah-eah-yeah-yeah-eah)

Do it (do it), alri-ight (do the shake), why don't you do it (do it, do it)
Yeah, (do the shake) Do the shake y'all, (do it) hey (do the shake)
Do the milkshake (do it, do it) hey, (do the shake)
Just get some icecream (do it) and some mi-ilk (do the shake)
You can ble-end (do it, do it) yourself a milkshake (do the shake)
Just do the shake y'all

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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2 commentaires
Dam-Dam Le 22/04/2018
Comme la pochette le montre, extrait de la bande originale du film "Can't stop the music" (donc a sa place dans le programme B.O.F. : Bides Originaux de Films).[o.k] Les paroles : [Merci]
cherrysalsa Le 15/10/2023
J'ai comme une petite intuition sur la signification des paroles de cette chanson…

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