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Lydia Murdock - Superstar

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Titre : Superstar

Année : 1983

Auteurs compositeurs : Michael Burton

Durée : 3 m 43 s

Label : Korova / Wea

Référence : 24-9638-7

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We made love in a mad embrace
Now you say you don't know my face
You know just who you are

You tell the world, you tell me you know me
A contradiction to the love you show
You know just who you are

I'm Billie Jean and I'm mad as hell
I'm a woman with a story to tell
You know just who you are (who you are, who you are, who you are)

You can't love a woman
And push her aside
Cause she got feelings
Just like you do
A woman's got her pride
I don't want nothing from you
It's not what I'm about
But you've been lying
There's no denying
It's time that the truth came out
Hey-hey, hey-hey !

I'm Billie Jean and I'm mad as hell
I'm a woman with a story to tell
You know just who you are (who you are, who you are, who you are)

Late one night, you rang my phone
You called to make sure that I was all alone
You said you were feeling down
And couldn't see around, one thing led to another
you became my lover, you said:
"Let's keep it secret, let's not spread it around."
You send me flowers and diamonds and said that you were in love
You said you never met a girl that you thought so much of

You know just who you are (who you are, who you are, who you are)

And then all of a sudden you just stopped coming by
You never called on the phone and I didn't know why
Too many fellas nowadays push their girl aside
First they get what they want, and then they run off and hide
But, baby, time went by, I was not upset
And then much to my surprise, one day to my regret
Well, the doctor said that there will soon be two
And there's a little one coming, there's a man in you

I was in shock, I thought I'd faint and I was petrefied
First I laughed cause I was happy, then I started to cry
And when the baby was born, I sent you a telegram
But it came back saying you don't know who I am

You know just who you are (who you are, who you are, who you are)

I saw you in a club one night
And I did not intend to start a fight
But when you said who am I, you don't know my face
I went off, I made a scene, I really wrecked the place
And I know you might be a big superstar
And the whole wide world knows who you are
But the next time we meet, if you don't want a scene
Tip your hat with respect, cause I am Billie Jean

You know just who you are (who you are, who you are, who you are)

I'm Billie Jean, I'm mad as hell
I'm a woman with a story to tell
You know just who you are (who you are, who you are, who you are)

I'm Billie Jean, I'm mad as hell
I'm Billie Jean, I'm mad as hell
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Voir tous les commentaires

11 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Helloween Le 21/02/2002
Et on pompe Billie Jean allègrement !
lenainpoilu Le 09/07/2002
elle le dit dans la chanson qu'elle est Billie Jean, c'est normal! c'est la réponse à l'autre momie……
RequinRoll Le 28/10/2002
Lydia Murdock a endisqué cette chanson en réponse à Billie Jean de Michael Jackson. Dans sa chanson, elle prétend être la vraie Billie Jean et que Michael Jackson était le père de son enfant… POUR VRAI ! C’était bien sûr avant qu’on en sache plus sur les véritables préférences sexuelles de Wacko Jacko.
Cramique Le 04/02/2003
Moi je le trouve plutôt bien ce plagiat !
RequinRoll Le 05/02/2003
J'ai l'45 tours, en voilà les paroles, du mieux que j'ai compris:[merci pour les paroles]
Je me souviens qu'il existe en plus une Extended Remix Version où elle en tartine encore plus épais dans la section où elle raconte sa relation cachée avec Michael.
ganache Le 18/03/2003
Extra !! j'ai même entendu sur une locale de Clermont une version Francaise
Estebane Le 19/10/2004
moi je trouve ce titre génial ! J'ai même gardé le maxi45T de cette chanson… en tout cas a l'époque (debut de l'été 84 si mes souvenirs sont bons) elle ne passait pas inaperçue…
drev Le 28/08/2009
Micheal Jackson, is not my boy friend, he's just a guy, who says I am the one !

Mais bon, pour renier une maternité, c'est surement beaucoup plus dur que pour un homme.
manuelferre Le 08/07/2015
Oh l'influence qui saute aux oreilles ; ça devenait grotesque. En se fanatisant, tu ne pourras jamais avoir vraiment l'impression d'apporter quelque chose de nouveau en faisant une réplique d'une rythmique aussi calquée.
morphee Le 08/08/2020
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