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Rita Mitsouko & Sparks - Singing in the shower

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Singing in the shower

Année : 1988

Auteurs compositeurs : Ron Mael - Russell Mael

Pochette : Jean-Baptiste Mondino

Durée : 4 m 23 s

Label : Virgin

Référence : 90489

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It was only a lover's game
Now we're trapped in the world of our dreams
All the same as the evening rain
All the same as the sound of the sea

I,I,I,I,I,I wouldn't worry 'bout it
We're feelin' clean
A little crowded as we're singing in the shower tonight

See the water and feel the steam
As it's winding around you and me
Feeling dirty and feeling clean
In the center of our fantasy

We could stay here a million yeaaars !

Never knowing the world and its games
Red hot water dissolves the fear
Red hot kisses drive us insame

I,I,I,I,I,I wouldn't worry 'bout it
We're feelin' clean
A little crowded as we're singing in the shower tonight

We could stay here a million years
never knowing the world and its games
Here we are like a naked choir
in a church that's completely in flames

I,I,I,I,I,I wouldn't worry 'bout it
We're feelin' clean
A little crowed as we're singing
in the shower tonight"

Transcripteur : Chezod
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1 commentaire
Chezod Le 03/02/2018
Les paroles : [Merci]

Merci, mille mercis de l'avoir enfin mise !
J'adore trop cette chanson, et surtout le clip, ou Fred Chichin et Ron Spark font la gueule lorsque Catherine RInger et Russel Spark sont tous les deux en train de chanter sous la douche.

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