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The Soup Dragons - I'm Free

Voir du même artiste

Titre : I'm Free

Année : 1990

Auteurs compositeurs : Mike Jagger - Keith Richards

Pochette : Soup Art / Jeremy Burgess

Durée : 3 m 56 s

Label : Big Life

Référence : 877 568-7

Présentation : L'une des covers les plus psychédéliques et les plus réussies d'une chanson des Stones. Avec la présence du reggaeman Junior Reid ("Don't be afraid of your freedom").

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Don't be afraid of your freedom

I'm free to do what I want any old time
I said I'm free to do what I want any old time

I say love me, hold me
Love me, hold me
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time
And I'm free to be who I choose any old time

I say love me, hold me
Love me, hold me
'Cause I'm free

I say love me, hold me
Love me, hold me
'Cause I'm free to do what I want
To be what I want any old time
And I'm free to be who I choose
To get my booze any old time

I say love me (love me forever)
Hold me (and love will never die)
Love me, hold me
'Cause I'm free

Do you hear what the man say
These are the words me hear from my grandaddy, come
These are the words me hear from my grandaddy
He would say nothing in this world like when a man know he free
Free from the lock up, me say
Free from the debt
Free like a butterfly
Free like a bee
These are the words me hear from my grandaddy
Said it's nice to be free, nice to be free
Free from the lock up, me say
Free from the debt
Don't be afraid of your freedom

'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time (I'm a new creation)
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time (Don't be afraid of your freedom)
I said I'm free to do what I want to be what I want any old time
I said I'm free to be who I choose, to get my booze any old time
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time (I'm free)
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time (I'm free)
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time (I'm free)
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time (I'm free)
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any old time (I'm free)
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1 commentaire
cherrysalsa Le 23/04/2021
Marrant : si un groupe sortait un disque avec une pochette de ce style en 2021 et avec le même titre de chanson, ce serait vu avec un œil suspect.

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