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Gary Portnoy - Punky Brewster Theme

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Titre : Punky Brewster Theme

Année : 1984

Auteurs compositeurs : Gary Portnoy - Judy Hart Angelo

Durée : 3 m 14 s

Label : Elephant Films (Editeur DVD)

Référence : B01IWA5C9S

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Maybe the world is blind
or just a little unkind
Don't know

Seems you can't be sure
of anything anymore

You maybe lonely and then
One day you're smiling again
Every time I turn around
I see the girl who turns my world around
Standing there

Every time I turn around
Her spirit is lifting me right off the ground
It's bigger than me
Guess we'll just wait and see

In my wildest dreams
I've never seen anything like this
With some give and take
The moves we make
Can't miss

She's got her own special way of magically making my day
Every time I turn around
I see the girl who turns my world around
Standing there

Every time I turn around her spirit is lifting me right off the ground
It's bigger than me
Guess I'll just wait and see
Where it's leading me
Wherever I go
All I know is

Every time I turn around
I see the girl who turns my world around
Standing there
Every time I turn around her spirit is lifting me right off the ground
It's bigger than me

Every time I turn around
I see the girl who turns my world around
Standing there

Every time I turn around her spirit is lifting me right off the ground
It's bigger than me..

Transcripteur : peter&sloane
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Voir tous les commentaires

2 commentaires
peter&sloane Le 28/01/2018
Série de 88 épisodes diffusée aux Etats-Unis entre 1984 et 1988. La série arrivera en France fin 1985 sur TF1. Malheureusement les saisons 3 et 4 soit 44 épisodes restent inédites en France.
L'intégralité de la série est sortie en dvd avec les saisons 3 et 4 en VOST.
Les paroles : [Merci]
Fabrice4 Le 04/10/2019
Que de souvenirs ! c'est passé dans "Croc vacances" puis "Vitamines" au temps de Karen Cheryl…

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