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Kim Wilde - Hey Mister Snowman

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Titre : Hey Mister Snowman

Année : 2013

Auteurs compositeurs : Kim Wilde

Durée : 2 m 12 s

Label : Edel Records

Référence : 0208896EME

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Hey mister Snowman,
Lend me your ear,
There's things I need to talk about I want you to hear,
I'm feeling kind of sad,
And I could do with some cheer,
I said Hey mister Snowman,
Lend me your ear.

Hey mister Snowman,
Lend me your eyes,
I don't like what I see when I am looking through mine,
And maybe while you're at it, you could lend me your mind,
I said Hey mister Snowman,
Lend me your eyes.

I wrote a list to Santa,
Like I do every year,
I know he's kinda busy but you'd think he would hear,
Cos everything I ask him seems to fall on deaf ears,
So I guess that's what I'm doing here.

I said Hey mister Snowman,
Lend me your heart,
There's one here that is broken, so I need a new part,
Yours can't be any coler,
Won't you give me a start,
I said Hey mister Snowman,
Lend me your heart.

So I said Hey mister Snowman,
Thanks for your time,
I'm feeling so much better now what's yours is now mine,
Now life is looking rosey,
and I'm feeling just fine,
I said Hey mister Snowman,
Hey mister Snowman,
Hey mister Snowman,
I really, really love ya mister Snowman.

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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Voir tous les commentaires

2 commentaires
Dam-Dam Le 25/12/2017
Les paroles : [Thanx]

Le clip : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrfGKPnYWEI
scaracrabe Le 26/12/2017
A 50 ans passés, toujours cette voix sensuelle.

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