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Didn't they say that I would make a mistake
Didn't they say you were gonna be trouble
People told me you were too much to take
I could see it, I didn't wanna know
I let you in and you let me down
You pushed me up and you turned my whole life around
I could feel that I had no where to go
I was alone, how was I too know that..
You'll be there, when I needed somebody
You'll be there, the only one who can help me
I had a picture of you in my mind
never knew it could be so wrong
Why'd it take me so long just to find
the friend that was there all along.
Who'd believe that after all we've been through
I'd be able to put my whole trust in you
Goes to show you can't forgive and forget
looking back, I have no regrets cause..
You will be there, when I needed somebody
You will be there, the only one to help me
I had a picture of you in my mind
Never knew it could be so wrong
Why'd it take me so long just to find
the friend that was there all along
You will be there, when I needed somebody
You will be there, the only one to help me
I had a picture of you in my mind
never knew it could be so wrong
Why'd it take me so long just to find
the friend that was there all along
[ad lib]
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Avec une apparition très remarquée de Rowan Atkinson, alias Mr. Bean, dans le clip ! La chanson servant à illustrer le film "Bean".
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