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Therion - To mega Therion

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Titre : To mega Therion

Année : 1996

Auteurs compositeurs : Thomas Karlsson / Christofer Johnsson

Pochette : Peter Grøn

Durée : 6 m 34 s

Label : Nuclear Blast

Référence : NB 179-2

Présentation : Avant de se passionner pour les reprises de Gainsbourg, Therion, groupe suédois, faisait du heavy metal symphonique.
Issu de l'album Theli, ce titre fait référence à la Bête de l'Apocalypse selon le livre de la révélation.
La pochette représente la divinité égyptienne Seth.

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Powers of Thanksgiving
Watch the great beast to be
For to mega thermionic
The draconian melody
The dragon open the eye
And reveal both truth and lie
Spiritual supremacy

Ride the beast of ecstasy
Spiritual supremacy
Ride the beast of ecstasy

Ialbaophs creative spark
Manifests the utmost dark
Ialbaophs creative spark

Meaning of the letter theth
Hide the force of Batholomew
Meaning of the letter theth

The wound of banal will be healed
When the sign of time is unsealed
The wound of banal will be healed

The world will burn by sorbets
And through the solar sign

Ascending fiend of the sea
Will fulfill prophecy
Man will feel the wrath of beast
When fencing wolf is released
The dragon open the eye
Reveal both truth and lie
Spiritual supremacy

The end of revelation
A soulful violation
The end of revelation

Bear the mark of victory
And the spear of destiny
Bear the mark of victory

Powers of Thanksgiving
For to mega thermionic
Powers of Thanksgiving

Watch the great beast to be
The draconian melody
Watch the great beast to be

The world will burn by sorbets
And through the solar sign

Powers of Thanksgiving
Is the great beast you see
The to mega thermionic

Powers of Thanksgiving
For to mega thermionic
Powers of Thanksgiving

Watch the great beast to be
The draconian melody
Watch the great beast to be

Meaning of the letter theth
Hide the force of Batholomew
Meaning of the letter theth

The wound of banal will be healed
When the sign of time is unsealed
The wound of banal will be healed

The world will burn by sorbets
And through the solar sign
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1 commentaire
Bobinet Le 18/03/2017
The official vid https://youtu.be/2ZQ0BsNi24A

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