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Woke up this morning, the sky was blue
Today is the day I'm going to you
I'm so excited it's been so long
(been) countin' the minutes, since you've been gone
Here we go now, here we go now
Here's a message to you
I'm a happy girl with a happy, happy smile
I can be your friend if you
Stay'n play a while. Happy, happy girl
With a happy, happy smile, I'll give you
All my world, and make it last a while
Oh I'm gonna make you happy
Oh what can we do
Oh I'm gonna make you happy
Oh just me and you
So can you imagine, the way I feel
Look at me jumping, it's so unreal
When we're together, the whole world smiles
This is forever, the rest of our lives
When I see you looking at me
I feel so happy, just you and me
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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The video :
Ça fait un peu Barbie girl.
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