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Rhapsody - Emerald Sword

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Titre : Emerald Sword

Année : 1998

Auteurs compositeurs : Luca Turilli - Alex Staropoli

Pochette : Eric Philippe

Durée : 4 m 21 s

Label : CNR Music

Référence : 3044032

Présentation : Extrait de Symphony of enchanted lands deuxième album du groupe de métal symphonique italien Rhapsody (rebaptisé depuis Rhapsody of fire).
C'est un concept-album qui fait suite au premier opus du groupe et nous narre les chroniques d'Algalord.
The emerald sword, l'épée d'émeraude est la quête ultime du héros connu sous le nom de "guerrier de glace".

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I crossed the valleys the dust of midlands
To search for the third key to open the gates
Now I'm near the altar the secret inside
As legend told my beloved sun light the dragons eyes
On the way to the glory I'll honour my sword
To serve right ideals and justice for all

Finally happened the sun lit their eyes
The spell was creating strange games of light
Thanks to hidden mirrors I found my lost way
Over the stones I reached the place it was a secret cave
In a long bloody battle that prophecies told
The light will prevail hence wisdom is gold

For the king for the land for the mountains
For the green valleys where dragons fly
For the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword

Only a warrior with a clear heart
Could have the honour to be kissed by the sun
Yes, i'm that warrior I followed my way
Led by the force of cosmic soul i can reach the sword
On the way to the glory I'll honour my sword
To serve right ideals and justice for all

For the king for the land for the mountains
For the green valleys where dragons fly
For the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword

For the king for the land for the mountains
For the green valleys where dragons fly
For the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword
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1 commentaire
drev Le 14/01/2020
sympa la pochette a la Castlevania

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