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PT Barnum said it so long ago
There's one born every minute, don't you know
Some make us laugh, some make us cry
These clowns only gonna make you die
Everybody's running when the circus comes into their towns
Everyone is running from the likes of the killer klowns
From outer space
Killer klowns from outer space
Jocko !
Ringmaster shouts let the show begin
Send in the klowns, then let them do you in
See a rubber nose on a painted face
Bringing genocide to the human race
It's time to take a ride on the nightmare merry-go-round
You'll be dead on arrival from the likes of the killer klowns
From outer space
Killer klowns from outer space
There's cotton candy in their hands
Says a polka-dotted man with a stalk of jacaranda
They're all diabolical bozos
Oh look around what do you see
Tell me what's become of humanity
From California shores to New York Times Square
Barnum and Bailey everywhere
If you've ever wondered why the population's going down
Blame it on the plunder from the likes of the killer klowns
From outer space
Killer klowns from outer space
Killer klowns
Killer klowns
Killer klowns ha ha
Killer klowns Ho ho
Killer klowns hey hey
From outer space
Killer klowns from outer space
Killer klowns Yeah
Killer klowns Ho ho ho
Killer klowns from outer space
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
J'ai vu ce film de série Z…
Leur vaisseau spatial est un chapiteau ! Véridique !
C'est un gros nanar mais un nanar assumé. Jusqu'à la chanson qui est assez bidesque pour figurer ici. Je me souviens avoir bien aimé le film, enfin "nanarement" parlant. ;)
coïncidence , je viens de le regarder cette semaine et voila sa BO en ligne , et vu que j'ai trouvé le film aussi bon que sa musique , hop dans mes favoris !
un petit chef dœuvre delectable B/Z !!!
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