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Landscape - Einstein a go-go

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Titre : Einstein a go-go

Année : 1981

Auteurs compositeurs : John L. Walters - Richard James Burgess - Landscape

Durée : 2 m 58 s

Label : RCA

Référence : PB 5307

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Einstein a Go Go
Einstein a Go Go
Einstein a Go Go

Bible says we must pay
I am the judge for the Judgement Day
There'll be no warning no alarm
I'll be the one who'll save

Einstein a Go Go
Einstein a Go Go
Einstein a Go Go

I've got facts I know the truth
You're all corrupt you're all depraved
A few devices around the place
I'll blow you all away

“God does not play dice with the worldâ€
But things aren't right in the outside world
But still there's vice in the world
I'll put things right

Einstein a Go Go
Einstein a Go Go
Einstein a Go Go

You better watch out you better beware
Einstein A Go Go
Albert said that E equals M C squared
Einstein A Go Go

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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1 commentaire
Dam-Dam Le 09/03/2014
The Lyrics : [Thanks]

The clip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZqUNEHYZgQ

But I prefer DEVO-lution for "Satisfaction"

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