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[instrumental] mais rien pour le plaisir les paroles de la version de Gil Scott-Heron :
See that black boy over there, runnin' scared
his ol' man's in a bottle.
He done quit his 9 to 5 to drink full time
so now he's livin' in the bottle.
See that Black boy over there, runnin' scared
his ol' man got a problem
Pawned off damn near everything, his ol'
woman's weddin' ring for a bottle.
And don't you think it's a crime
when time after time, people in the bottle.
See that sista, sho wuz fine before she
started drinkin' wine
from the bottle.
Said her ol' man committed a crime
and he's doin' time,
so now she's in the bottle.
She's out there on the avenue, all by herself
sho' needs help from the bottle.
Preacherman tried to help her out,
she cussed him out and hit him in the head with a bottle.
And don't you think it's a crime
when time after time, people in the bottle.
See that gent in the wrinkled suit
he done damn near blown his cool
to the bottle
He wuz a doctor helpin' young girls along
if they wuzn't too far gone to have problems.
But defenders of the dollar eagle
Said "What you doin', Doc, it ain't legal,"
and now he's in the bottle.
Now we watch him everyday tryin' to
chase the pigeons away
from the bottle.
And don't you think it's a crime
when time after time, people in the bottle.
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Disco à souhait !
Le tube de Joe Bataan étant "Rap O Clap O" a écouter d'urgence !
y'a des paroles mais pas de chant faudra m'expliquer
Ca fait rien c'est tellement bon, même sans paroles!
Les Christians ont fait une reprise de cette chanson sur leur 3e album, "Happy in Hell"
1975, les rue de New york, les vieux yellow cabs… le grandes limous sur la 5eme avenue…
On s'y croirait !
Du bon ! les zamis !
Cette chanson a été également interpretée par Brother to Brother (excellente version).
J'aime pas, çà me fait tanguer comme sur un bateau :o(
Cette version est en effet instrumentale, la version chantée est celle de Brother to Brother.
On doit aussi à Joe Bataan l'excellent "Aftershower funk", peut être le meilleur morceau de disco-soul.
La meilleure version (avec les paroles en plus) et de Gil Scott-Heron.
c'est la bostella version disco ?
joe bataan ….rap o clap bien évidemment…. il est aussi fondateur du label salsoul
Y a quand meme marqué EXPLOSION sur la pochette alors bon !!!!
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