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Sailor - A glass of champagne

Voir du même artiste

Titre : A glass of champagne

Année : 1974

Auteurs compositeurs : Georges Kajanus

Durée : 2 m 35 s

Label : Epic

Référence : EPC 3770

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I've got the money, I've got the place
You've got the figure, you've got the face
Let's get together, the two of us over a glass of champagne

I've got the music, I've got the lights
You've got the figure full of delights
Let's get together, the two of us over a glass of champagne

I've been waiting much too long
For this moment to come along
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

(A little glass of champagne)

I've been thinking night and day (night and day)
For this moment to be this way
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

I've got position, I've got the name
You've got the power to drive me insane
Let's get together, the two of us over a glass of champagne

I've been waiting much too long (much too long)
For this moment to come along
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

(A little glass of champagne)

Let's get together, the two of us over a glass of champagne (5x)
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2 commentaires
Lèz Le 14/08/2012
Une chanson légèrement imbibée d'influences Roxy Music
Simon.P Le 26/11/2019
A ajouter dans l'Aperobide

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