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Roxette - Neverending Love

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Titre : Neverending Love

Année : 1987

Auteurs compositeurs : P. Gessle

Durée : 3 m 23 s

Label : EMI Svenska

Référence : 1362567

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Chasing your shadow, the senses together,
four-leafed and clever I come from behind.
Chasing your shadow, I wander in circles,
you're one in a million, we're two of a kind.

It's you that I long for, it's you that I hunger,
oh you are the maker of waves in my mind.

We dance in the moonlight, a run on the wire,
drawing a fine line, a neverending love.
The fever turns slowly into a fire, drawing a fine line,
a neverending love.

Chasing your shadow, moon and the water,
field and the reaper, star and the sky.
Chasing your shadow, hammer and heartbeat,
clay and new concrete, I follow the signs.

It's you that I long for, it's you that I hunger,
and you are the maker of waves in my mind.

We dance in the moonlight, a run on the wire,
drawing a fine line, a neverending love.
The fever turns slowly into a fire, drawing a fine line,
a neverending love.

We dance in the moonlight, a run on the wire,
drawing a fine line, a neverending love.
The fever turns slowly into a fire, drawing a fine line,
a neverending love.

We dance in the moonlight, a run on the wire,
drawing a fine line, a neverending love.
The fever turns slowly into a fire, drawing a fine line,
a neverending love.

We dance in the moonlight, a run on the wire,
drawing a fine line, a neverending love.
The fever turns slowly into a fire, drawing a fine line,
a neverending love.

Transcripteur : scaracrabe
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1 commentaire
morphee Le 06/01/2012
1er 45 tours du groupe. Il n'a marché qu'en Suède. Très dur à dénicher ailleurs. Comme le montre la pochette, ils avaient déjà "le look" !

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