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Teach-In - The Robot

Voir du même artiste

Titre : The Robot

Année : 1979

Auteurs compositeurs : A. Rifi

Pochette : Fly Clouds Studio

Durée : 2 m 58 s

Label : Carrère

Référence : 49.469

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I lived all alone in my furnished room
And looked for a friend to break away the gloom
When a man offered me a kind of human machine
It was the best… I'd ever seen !

My friends were afraid for that man of steel
I said don't you worry his love is real
He's sweet, he's nice, he's never sad
He's the best… I've ever had I

The Robot!
The Robot!
I love that lovely robot
He walks and talks and wheels and deals
He is the best there is
The Robot
The Robot

To move and groove
Romance and dance
he can even kiss.

Your humble servant

Your robot is speaking whatever you wish

I'll obey.

The robot !
the robot !

My friend of steel has has a heart of gold
More than that he will never grow old
Atomic batteries will keep him fine
He is the best… and he is mine!

We went to a party the other night
It sure was fun with that man by my side
He wiggled and he danced like a disco-star
You are the best… that's what you are !

The Robot !
The Robot !
I love that lovely robot
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2 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
rahanpc Le 12/10/2018
Heureusement que je suis là pour les commentaires !
Je reste fidèle !

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