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Rick Tubbax & The Taxi's - Breaking up

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Breaking up

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : W. Vandersypen

Pochette : Miet Ongena

Durée : 2 m 56 s

Label : RKM / Vogue

Référence : 101329

Présentation : Un quintet Belge très inspiré de Joe Jackson & Garland Jeffreys

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You don't know what I am looking for
I am a lower man
And don't upset, girl
I am just true I am

Oh breaking up new crying girls
That's something I can't do
Breaking up new crying girls
I don't know what I could

I made a strip to angels
I'm feeling so long the hell
Hey girl, I know you wait him
And you don't love men


Single, I don't need you more
That's something I, I can't
I don't want feel good any more
Single, I don't need you more
That's something I, I can't
I don't want break you any more

You don't know what I am looking for
I am a lower man
And don't upset, girl
I am just true I am


I made a strip to angels
I'm feeling so long the hell
Hey girl, I know you wait him
And you don't love men


Single, I don't need you more
That's something I, I can't
I don't want feel good any more
Single, I don't need you more
That's something I, I can't,
Don't want break you any more
Oh no any more
Oh no any more
Oh no any more
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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2 commentaires
Dam-Dam Le 17/12/2010
Les paroles transcrites sans l'accent belge même en anglais : [Merci !] ♫
lauranne Le 18/08/2016
Quelques erreurs dans les paroles :

You don't know where I came for.
I am your lovin' man.
Hey don't look so upset girl,
I am just who I am

Breaking up with crying girls
that's something I can't do.
Breaking up with crying girls
I don't know how one could.

I made this trip to Egypt
and felt so lonely.
Hey girl I know you're waiting,
and do you love me?


Saying girl I don't need you no more (I don't need)
that's something I (I can't do).
I don't wanna break up anymore.
Saying girl I don't need you no more (I don't need)
that's something I (I can't do)
I don't wanna break up anymore.

(Le tout x2)

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