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Last night he could not make it
he tried hard but could not make it
last night he could not make it
on a holiday
for many miles
looking for a place to stay
near some friendly star
he found this mote
and now we wonder where we are
how could this so great
turn so shitty
he ended up in army crates
and photographs in files
his tiny boat
sparked as he turned to grazed our city
i started driving on the motorway
i was feeling down
last night he could not make it
last night he could not make it
he tried hard but he could not make it
last night he could not make it
on a holiday
so many miles
looking for a place to stay
near some friendly star
he found this mote
and now we wonder
how could this so great
turn so shit
he ended up in army crates
and photographs in files
his tiny boat
sparked as he grazed it
Last night he could not make it
he tried hard but he could not make it
he started heading for the motorway
and he came right now.
he started heading for the motorway
and he came right now.
Transcripteur : Ãœrbock
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Extrait du 5ème et dernier album des fabuleux Pixies : même s'ils n'ont jamais eu le succès qu'ils méritaient c'est définitivement à ranger du côté "Musique" plutôt que "Bide"
les paroles : [Merci]
The Pixies sur B&M, génial ! J'aime cette radio !
Excellente chanson
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