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Counting Crows - Mr. Jones

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Mr. Jones

Année : 1994

Auteurs compositeurs : Adam Duritz / David Bryson

Pochette : Michael Tighe

Durée : 4 m 31 s

Label : Geffen

Référence : GED 21935

Présentation : Extrait de l'album "August and Everything After". Mais qui est Mr Jones ? La réponse la plus couramment répandue est Marty Jones, ami du chanteur Adam Duritz avec lequel il formait auparavant le groupe "The Himalayans".
Le groupe est toujours en activités mais leurs disques sont de plus en plus discrets.

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I was down at the New Amsterdam staring
at this yellow-haired girl
Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with this
black- haired flamenco dancer
She dances while his father plays guitar
She's suddenly beautiful
We all want something beautiful
Man I wish I was beautiful
So come dance this silence down through the morning
Cut up, Maria! Show me some of them Spanish dances
Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones
Believe in me
Help me believe in anything
Cause I want to be someone who believes
Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales
and we st are at the beautiful women
"She's looking at you. Ah, no, no, she's looking at me."
Smiling in the bright lights
Coming through in stereo
When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely
I will paint my picture
Paint myself in blue and red and black and gray
All of the beautiful colors are very very meaningful
Gray is my favorite color
I felt so symbolic yesterday
If I knew Picasso
I would buy myself a gray guitar and play
Mr. Jones and me look into the future
Stare at the beautiful women
"She's looking at you,
I don't think so. She's looking at me."
Standing in the spotlight
I bought myself a gray guitar
When everybody loves me, I will never be lonely
I will never be lonely
I will never be lonely
I want to be a lion
Everybody wants to pass as cats
We all want to be big big stars,
But we all got different reasons for that
Believe in me because I don't believe in anything
And I want to be someone to believe
Mr. Jones and me stumbling through the barrio
Yeah we stare at the beautiful women
"She's perfect for you, Man, there's got to be
somebody for me."
I want to be Bob Dylan
Mr. Jones wishes he was someone just a little more funky
When everybody loves you, son,
That's just about as funky as you can be
Mr. Jones and me staring at the video
When I look at the television
I want to see me staring right back at me
We all want to be big stars
But we don't know why
And we don't know how
But when everybody loves me
I'm going to be just about as happy as I can be
Mr. Jones and me, we're gonna be big stars…
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2 commentaires
gemini2039 Le 14/04/2010
Je pensais qu'un de mes collègues avait changé la radio, mais non c'est bien bide et musique… ça fait du bien de temps en temps un bon morceau entre daphnièle et compagnie.
fabouze Le 20/07/2012
Magnifique morceau. Incontournable des 90's!

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