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DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, matching my style
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, how gee
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, matching my style
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
One two three four
Never can express, how gee !
Never can express, huh
One two three four
One two three four
How gee
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, matching my style
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, how gee
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, matching my style
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
One two three four
Never can express, how gee
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, matching my style
DJ in a bade when it comes to scratch
Matching my style, how gee !
How gee !
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2 commentaires
Natha24Le 01/06/2012
On sent l'influence d'epic sax guy ou je rêve ?!
On sent l'influence d'epic sax guy ou je rêve ?!
Excellent! C'est LE son pour faire bouger (le son hein, pas les paroles)! Facilement mixable en plus. Je n'aurais jamais imaginé trouver ça sur B&M.
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