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Oh well you had to fit
But you're fit to drop
Open up the window and jump into the blue
Things could be marvellous
Things could be fabulous
You need a push
I'll push you off
Open up the window and jump into the blue
Things could be marvellous
Things could be fabulous
Oh, and these are the days
And this is the life
There'll always be something on your mind
You'll never quite find
Won't you ever make your mind up
Oh well you had to hit
'Til you hit the top
Open up the window and jump into the blue
Things could be marvellous
Things could be fabulous
Oh, and these are the days
And this is the life
There'll always be something on your mind
You'll never quite find
Won't you ever make your mind up
Now you'll never be sure
If this is the time
If this is the moment
The end of the line
You'll never decide
You used to know but now you've forgotten
You sit there and wait for the phone to ring
When are they going to call
Are they ever going to call you at all
And then oh!
Things could be marvellous
Things could be fabulous
Oh, and these are the days
And this is the life
There'll always be something on your mind
You'll never quite find
Won't you ever make your mind up
Now you'll never be sure
If this is the time
If this is the moment
The end of the line
You'll never decide
You used to know but now you've forgotten
A submarine got stuck to the bottom
These are the days so wake up
'Cos this is the time
And you know I'm right…
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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Ian Broudie!
Auteur de "Pure" (Ghetto recordings, 1989), producteur entre autres du 1er LP de Noir Désir.
Pour les amateurs les premiers exemplaires de cet album étaient délivrés avec une senteur de framboise dans le livret.
A la même époque, a produit l'excellent "Home" du parfait Terry Hall, sur lequel on retrouvait Craig Gannon et Andy Partrdidge, entre autres.
Cela m'avait totalement échappé jusqu'à présent, mais il faut voir la photo de la pochette en grand!
En l'état d'étiquette sur la fiche, cela passe pratiquement inaperçu.
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