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Bucks Fizz - Land of make believe

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Land of make believe

Année : 1981

Auteurs compositeurs : Andy Hill / Pete John Sinfield

Pochette : Andy Hill

Durée : 3 m 42 s

Label : RCA

Référence : RCA 163

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Stars in your eyes,
Little one,
Where do you go to dream,
To a place,
We all know,
The land of make believe

Tapping at your window,
Go see,
Voices whisper will you come andplay?

Not for all the tea in China,
All the corn in Carolina,
Never ever
They're running after you

Run for the sun,
Little one,
You're an outlaw once again,
Time to change,
He'll be with us while he can,
In the land of make believe

Nasty in your garden's,
Waiting patiently,
'Till it can have your heart,

Try to go,
But it won't let you,
Don't you know it's out to get you,
Keep on running
They're running after you

Run for the sun,
Little one,
You're an outlaw once again,
Time to change,
He'll be with us while he can,
In the land of make believe

Your world is turning,
From night to day,
Your dream is burning far away

Into the blue,
You and I,
To the circus in the sky,
Captain Kids,
On the sand,
With the treasure close at hand,
In the land of make believe

In the land of make believe

Run for the sun,
Little one,
You're an outlaw once again,
Time to change,
He'll be with us while he can,
In the land of make believe

Run for the sun,
Little one,
You're an outlaw once again,
Time to change,
He'll be with us while he can,
In the land of make believe

(Little girl)
I've got a friend who comes to tea,
And no-one else can see but me,
He came today,
But had to go,
To visit you?
You never know…
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3 commentaires
Le Sapin Sobre Le 24/01/2010
Merci à Markyoloup pour ce titre !
Maeva70 Le 20/03/2011
chanson reprise (en francais) par Sheila (condition féminine) en 1982 et Céline Dion (A quatre pas d'ici) en 1983 ! et peut etre d'autres?
markyoloup Le 17/02/2013
À noter que ce groupe avait aussi chanter cette chanson en espagnol sous le titre de "El Mundo de Ilusion", et il y a aussi la chanteuse Allemande Elke Best qu'elle à repris sous le titre de "Land der Phantasie", et finalement le groupe Brézilienne Harmony Cats sous le titre de "A Terra do Faz de Conta".

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