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Nirvana - Rainbow chaser

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Titre : Rainbow chaser

Année : 1968

Auteurs compositeurs : Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Alex Spyropoulos

Durée : 2 m 32 s

Label : Island

Référence : SIR 20.082

Présentation : Version originale du titre de Michel Didier "Comme un arc en ciel"

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Travels on a cloud (up on the clouds)
He's one of the good time people now
I'm a face in the crowd (I'm in the crowd)
All dressed up and laughing loud
I can talk to him, and I can love him

Many miles to go (miles to go)
How many pictures do you cross
Winter, rain and snow (rain and snow)
Over mountains high and low
I can talk to him, and I can love him

Oooooo… Rainbow chaser
Oooooo… Rainbow chaser
Oooooo… Rainbow chaser

Travels on a cloud (up on the clouds)
He's one of the good time people now
I'm a face in the crowd (I'm in the crowd)
All dressed up and laughing loud
I can talk to him, and I can love him

Many miles to go (miles to go)
How many pictures do you cross
Winter, rain and snow (rain and snow)
Over mountains high and low
I can talk to him, and I can love him

Oooooo… Rainbow chaser
Oooooo… Rainbow chaser
Oooooo… Rainbow chaser
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1 commentaire
fperot Le 13/12/2011
La voix et la musique me font penser à "Live and let die" de Paul McCartney et les Wings…
Après consultation de la version française de ce titre Michel Didier - Comme un arc en ciel, il semble que certains pensent à Goldfinger en entendant ce titre…

Bref, ça reste Jamesbondesque !

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