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Little Jimmy Osmond - Long haired lover from Liverpool

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Titre : Long haired lover from Liverpool

Année : 1972

Auteurs compositeurs : Christopher Kingsley

Durée : 2 m 2 s

Label : Kolob Records / MGM / Polydor

Référence : 2315 190

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I´ll be your long haired lover from Liverpool
And I´ll do anything you say
I´ll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool
If you´ll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.

I´ll be your leprechaun and sit upon an old toadstool
I´ll serenade you till I´m old and gray
I´ll be your long haired lover from Liverpool
You´ll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.

Chœurs : (You´ll be my lovely daisy on the mountainside)
(There are lots of other flowers, too
But all the other flowers hung their heads and cried
Because the loveliest of all them was you

(But you were evidently the exception to the rule)
I picked you quickly then I ran away
´Cause I was your long haired lover from Liverpool
You were my sunshine daisy from L.A

I´ll be your long haired lover from Liverpool
And I´ll do anything you ask
I´ll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool
Cut my hair, I´ll even wear a mask

I´ll be your Valentine, and you´ll be mine, and things´ll be cool
We´ll move along together every day
I´ll be your long haired lover from Liverpool
You´ll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.
You´ll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.

(reprise des deux derniers couplets avec le chœur)

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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2 commentaires
Dam-Dam Le 13/04/2008
Le clip :

Trocol Harum Le 27/01/2020
La version originale de "Long haired lover from Liverpool" a été interprétée, en 1969, par Christopher Kingsley.

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