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Eddy Wata - Jam

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Jam

Année : 2003

Auteurs compositeurs : Eddy Wata

Durée : 4 m 44 s

Label : Universal

Référence : 9823077

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Stay tranquillo
Oh no…
Boum ! Like a bomba

Say wohohouho
Say wahahaha

Say wohohouho

Say wohohouho
Sing wouhohohoï

Say I wanna make you jam
You can jam all night
I want a song for you
Make that, you gonna like

Say I wanna make you jam
You can jam all night
I want a song for you
Make that, you feel the vibe

I gotta sing the song
Come on

Say wohohouho
Say wahahaha

Say wohohouho

Say wohohouho
Sing wouhohohoï

Mister I wonda gotta make another feels like. Feels like the riddim can flow, music hits me so hard. Ah mister listen to the vibe I feel I made me wild in the west and you Andy Wata another vibe cannot win the contest ?

Say I wanna make you jam
You can jam all night
I want a song for you
Make that, you gonna like

Say I wanna make you jam
You can jam all night
I want a song for you
Make that, you feel the vibe

Say wohohouho
Say wahahaha

Say wohohouho

Say wohohouho
Sing wouhohohoï

If you don't wanta to get the floor I made another feels like I wanted the music flow I think I made me wild me west Well listen try to find I know your feet won't let you down, Andy Wata is on the mike I know how to work a contest

Say I wanna make you jam
You can jam all night
I want a song for you
Make that, you gonna like

Say I wanna make you jam
You can jam all night
I want a song for you
Make that, you feel the vibe

Boum ! Like a bomba
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1 commentaire
hre mgbye Le 10/06/2009
Morceau de pur bourrinage "dance", mais qui réussit cependant à être tout à fait sympathique.
Les deux espèces de "toast" au milieu me semble être en pidgin jamaïcain, en tout cas le taux de fiabilité de leur transcription n'est pas au-dessus de tout soupçon. [Merci pour les paroles ! ]

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