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OFF - Step by step

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Titre : Step by step

Année : 1987

Auteurs compositeurs : Michael Münzing / Luca Anzilotti

Pochette : Regina Klose

Durée : 3 m 51 s

Label : Clever / CBS

Référence : CLE 14202-7

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Vibrations crack the core of my heart
turning passion into a spark
Charging my moves to perfection
that's what I call satisfaction.
Engaging my mind till I'm through
this is iust one
one of my moods

Get inside
get inside

My body erupts with ecstasy
raising my blood to onehundred degrees.

Step by step - check the trick
Step by step - and kick the kick

Step by step - don't move so quick

Step by step - like a lunatic.

The atmosphere meets my desire
nimble limbs never get tired

Look in my eyes and watch the steps
see me turn down and back.
Engagincl my mind till I'm through

this is iust one
one of my moods

Get inside
get inside

You'll never see a routine twice
when I dance I improvise.

Step by step - check the trick
. . .

Reflection sound is filling the pool
executing a sonic boom

The tiles are clean
the floor is wet

see me stay covered in sweat.
Engaging my mind till I'm through

this is iust one
one of my moods

Get inside
get inside

This usual practise of addiction has always been my tradition.
Step by step - check the trick
Step by step - and kick the kick
Step by step - check the trick
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


Voir tous les commentaires

7 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
mot2passe Le 08/02/2008
Merci car en écoutant cette chanson, soudain, je comprends tout.
aeroviking Le 29/09/2009
C'est pas le mec de Confetti's ?
Le Sapin Sobre Le 29/09/2009
Non, aucun lien.
Chezod Le 14/04/2010
Je me rappelle bien les relans de musique lugubre, donnant un écho sordide entre chaque phrase !
Futur in the Past Le 20/04/2012
Il a commencé tôt Sven….
1nonos1 Le 19/09/2019
J'avais le 45 T j'achetais vraiment n'importe quoi parfois

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